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Rapolano Beige is the color of the KEOPE porcelain stoneware series OMNIA in this case in the 48" x 48" in format with thickness 0.354 in and finish Matte R10. The OMNIA collection is available in different colors and formats and can be configured according to your needs. Onetile offers only first choice porcelain products.

  • Color
    Rapolano Beige
  • Format
    48" x 48" in
  • Depth
    0.354 in
  • Surface
    Matte R10
Discover the series
4/4 Configuration

1. Choose Color and style

Decor and mosaic
Trim Tiles
Ceppo GreyCeppo Grey
Devix GreigeDevix Greige
Emperador WhiteEmperador White
Rapolano BeigeRapolano Beige
Romano SandRomano Sand
Tivoli IvoryTivoli Ivory
Venezia IvoryVenezia Ivory
Mosaico Ceppo GreyMosaico Ceppo Grey
Mosaico Devix GreigeMosaico Devix Greige
Mosaico Emperador WhiteMosaico Emperador White
Mosaico Rapolano BeigeMosaico Rapolano Beige
Mosaico Romano SandMosaico Romano Sand
Mosaico Tivoli IvoryMosaico Tivoli Ivory
Mosaico Venezia IvoryMosaico Venezia Ivory
Battiscopa Ceppo GreyBattiscopa Ceppo Grey
Battiscopa Devix GreigeBattiscopa Devix Greige
Battiscopa Emperador WhiteBattiscopa Emperador White
Battiscopa Rapolano BeigeBattiscopa Rapolano Beige
Battiscopa Romano SandBattiscopa Romano Sand
Battiscopa Tivoli IvoryBattiscopa Tivoli Ivory
Battiscopa Venezia IvoryBattiscopa Venezia Ivory
Scalino Angolare DX Ceppo GreyScalino Angolare DX Ceppo Grey
Scalino Angolare DX Devix GreigeScalino Angolare DX Devix Greige
Scalino Angolare DX Emperador WhiteScalino Angolare DX Emperador White
Scalino Angolare DX Rapolano BeigeScalino Angolare DX Rapolano Beige
Scalino Angolare DX Romano SandScalino Angolare DX Romano Sand
Scalino Angolare DX Tivoli IvoryScalino Angolare DX Tivoli Ivory
Scalino Angolare DX Venezia IvoryScalino Angolare DX Venezia Ivory
Scalino Angolare SX Ceppo GreyScalino Angolare SX Ceppo Grey
Scalino Angolare SX Devix GreigeScalino Angolare SX Devix Greige
Scalino Angolare SX Emperador WhiteScalino Angolare SX Emperador White
Scalino Angolare SX Rapolano BeigeScalino Angolare SX Rapolano Beige
Scalino Angolare SX Romano SandScalino Angolare SX Romano Sand
Scalino Angolare SX Tivoli IvoryScalino Angolare SX Tivoli Ivory
Scalino Angolare SX Venezia IvoryScalino Angolare SX Venezia Ivory
Scalino Ceppo GreyScalino Ceppo Grey
Scalino Devix GreigeScalino Devix Greige
Scalino Emperador WhiteScalino Emperador White
Scalino Rapolano BeigeScalino Rapolano Beige
Scalino Romano SandScalino Romano Sand
Scalino Tivoli IvoryScalino Tivoli Ivory
Scalino Venezia IvoryScalino Venezia Ivory

2. Choose Format

16&quote; x 32&quote;16" x 32" in
24&quote; x 48&quote;24" x 48" in
32&quote; x 32&quote;32" x 32" in
48&quote; x 48&quote;48" x 48" in

3. Choose Depth / Surface

List price 1, 4
Depth 3
Box 2, 3
Pallet 3
List price 1, 410.33 $/square feetAsk for discount
Depth 30.354 in
SurfaceMatte R10
Box 2, 32 pieces (30.74 sqft - 134.04 Lb)
Pallet 320 boxes (614.84 sqft - 2680.82 Lb)
1. The price lists currently in force can change at any time until the order confirmation due to the continuous and high growth of the cost of raw materials, gas, transport
2. The units / pieces per box and the square meters in a product box are shown
3. Measurements in feet and inches are approximate for your convenience. Actual dimensions are expressed in the metric system
4. The prices shown on the site are in $ (dollars) for your convenience. The offer will always be made in € (euros)

4. Summary

KEOPE OMNIA Rapolano Beige 48" x 48" Matte R10
Ask for discount
PriceAsk for discount
Color and styleRapolano Beige
Format48" x 48" in
0.354 in
Matte R10
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Porcelain Stoneware KEOPE OMNIA is ideal for:
  • KEOPE OMNIA is a porcelain stoneware floor
  • KEOPE OMNIA are tiles suitable for a stone effect floor
  • KEOPE OMNIA are tiles suitable for a floor for living areas
  • KEOPE OMNIA are tiles suitable for a bathroom floor
  • KEOPE OMNIA are tiles suitable for a kitchen floor
Keope was founded by a group of passionate entrepreneurs in 1995. From the beginning, the company's goal was to become a reference point for the production of ceramic and porcelain tiles. Based in Ferrara, Italy, Keope has been steadily growing over the years thanks to its dedication to excellence and the quality of its products.

Innovation and Technology:
Keope has always been at the forefront of innovation in the tile industry. The company has invested significant resources in researching and developing cutting-edge technologies to constantly improve the quality of its products. With a mix of creativity and technical expertise, Keope has introduced revolutionary solutions, ensuring greater strength, durability, and appealing design in its products.

Product Range:
Keope offers a wide range of tiles and coverings to meet the needs and tastes of an international clientele. Their products include various collections of ceramic, porcelain stoneware, and reconstituted stone tiles designed for residential, commercial, and public applications. Each collection is characterized by unique designs and a wide choice of formats, colors, and textures to inspire designers' creativity and meet customer expectations.

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